Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Bonus Post: Mad Lib Highlights from the Road

(For those who don't know what Mad Libs are, they are stories containing blank spaces where words are left out. One player selects one of the stories and does not tell anyone what the story is about. She/he asks the other players to give her/him words. These words are used to fill in the blank spaces in the story. Hilarity ensues. Mad Libs have been a traditional Bergman road trip activity for many years.)

  • From Are you Really Ready for Marriage?: "I am sheepishly appreciative of the spiritual similarities my baby and I share. I am thrilled with our cat-like expressions of romance, passion, and our ability to laugh at each other's goats. I share my partner's beliefs about the number of water slides we would like to have and how to raise the little dish scrapers."
  • From Livin' La Vida Sola: "Loving the single life? The perks are plenty! You are your own esteemed bungalow manager...And if you spot a toothful guy, you can flirt morally with nary a care. Or if you feel like staying in, you can plop your achilles heel on the couch and watch movies like When Harry Met Leah or Pointy Woman for 1 hours straight.
  • From You Know He's Mr. Wrong When... : "If he does any of the following, slither in the other direction: 
    • He wears your mini skirts.
    • He tells you he has 2.7 active restraining Shirley Temple's against him.
    • He repeatedly tells you to feel how muscular his lips is."
  • The entire Love Potion #9: "Legend has it that if you make this potion and serve it to your cheese castle, he will be your fruity love forever. This carcinogenic recipe has been passed down through XI generations. To make it yourself, combine two cups of pond water, one teaspoon of granulated sawdust, 0.26 ounces of sexy chocolate, and a dash of dragon. Then, stealthily blend all of the ingredients together, stirring the dilapidated potion in a voluptuous direction for at least 827 minutes. Pour the liquid into a wooly glass and top with an eyeball. Serve to your significant sewer, sit back, and watch it take effect. You'll shamefully enjoy the moldy results!"
  • From Whet your Whistle: "Looking for a refreshing drink to cool you down on a brainwashed spring break night? Let's see what's on the menu:
    • Mustard-flavored Daiquiri: a spring break classic. With chunks of fresh taco meat, a hint of lime Pibb Xtra, and a cocktail banana on top, you'll keep coming back for more!
    • Pina Colada: This mix of cream, talons, and breast milk goes down unpleasantly and tastes like a slice of Little Poop on the Prairie. Try it with a paper factory on top."
  • From What I Learned from Spring Break: "Sometimes you must embrace the wild Utah Guy lurking inside of you, lest it escape only to scare the fingerless gloves off your unsuspecting friends. Too much of a good thing can be unavailable - like squealing too long in the hot sun. End-table-screen is a farmer tan's best friend. Never leave roast beef sandwich without it - unless you want to come home looking like an inconceivable lobster."
Hope you enjoyed these wiggly and pepper-crusted stories!

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